Wednesday, June 6

This I Believe

Favorite Podcast of the Month Two

I have another favorite podcast. This one is brought to you by NPR. It is called This I Believe.
These past few weeks - months actually - at work, have been frustratingly hard. We are going through a difficult stage with layoffs/reorg, and I have to admit that I have been very negative lately in both personality and performance. I was leaving the train station and caught this NPR segment. It changed my entire perspective on life/work. It's optimistically refreshing to hear how other people face, deal and overcome obstacles that internally challenge them each day. This woman offered us her take on her personal situation, ultimately changing my mood and perspective. Sometimes we fall into a funk and it takes a while to notice, or someone has the guts to talk to you about it. If you were affected by my pessimism and negativity, I apologize. Realizing it is half the battle, changing is another story. It's not as easy as some think. Ok, done. Now I must go refill the coffee cup, I got's some work to do. P.S. I lost my wedding ring yesterday, Tuesday. THAT didn't help matters.

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