Monday, February 12

Picture Puzzler: Find the differences

DaveGannon.comCentral has a new feature. Picture Puzzlers. I have become addicted to doing these. If you have no idea what I am talking about, it is very simple and I will explain. There are two identical pictures, or so you think. One of the pictures has been altered either deleting certain items or adding items to the original picture. Your challenge is to find the differences. Usually there are 7-11 changes. So, I thought I would try one myself. So here is an over-exposed picture from this year's Christmas. I chose the picture because it had many elements to mess with.

Here are the details:
There are 10 differences.
Answers will be posted the following day of post
You may click on the pics to enlarge and print out if this works best for you, OR you can obviously just print them out from the post itself. Whatever works best.
Look for new picture puzzler's each Monday.

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